Win The Future 2021 Final Contest
Date and Time
May 25th 2021, Tuesday
13:30-16:00 (GMT+8, Bejing time)
8:30-11:00 (GMT+3, Helsinki time)
How to join the contest online?
You can join the final contest through Zoom on May 25th 2021.
Link: https://zoom.com.cn/j/82317886173?pwd=UGVQZnFNeVVLbGxUQk5GT1ZzQXNhdz09
Meeting ID: 823 1788 6173
Meeting Password: 666888
When entering the Zoom meeting, please name yourself as: Team No. + Your name + Your project's name
It's suggested that you'll participate with computer/laptop and good Internet connection, from indoor environment, and the lighting is sufficient.
If you'd like to add the contest's theme image as your background on Zoom, you may download the image here.
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.
Welcome to join the rehearsal session to ensure your connection and technical setting are 100% ready!
May 24th 2021, Monday
13:30-16:00 (GMT+8, Bejing time)
8:30-11:00 (GMT+3, Helsinki time)
You may join the rehearsal on 24th at the same time as your pitch time on 25th.
Same Zoom link , meeting ID and password as the final contest's.
Contest Program
8:30 - 8:50 (GMT+3)
Organizer speech
8:50 - 10:30 (GMT+3)
Individual pitches (pitch video + online Q&A) for 10 teams
Team No. 1: Skin++ (8:50 - 9:00, GMT+3)
Team No. 2: Pradjna Platform for Blue Collar Performance Analytics (9:00 - 9:10, GMT+3)
Team No. 3: Kontrox™ (9:10 - 9:20, GMT+3)
Team No. 4: Fenav Oy (9:20 - 9:30, GMT+3)
Team No. 5: AnalysisMode (9:30 - 9:40, GMT+3)
Team No. 6: UFAD (9:40 - 9:50, GMT+3)
Team No. 7: Veeego Ltd (9:50 - 10:00, GMT+3)
Team No. 8: Auto DevOps (10:00 - 10:10, GMT+3)
Team No. 9: “北极星” 智能定位服务 (10:10 - 10:20, GMT+3)
Team No. 10: Digihealth (10:20 - 10:30, GMT+3)
10:30-10:45 (GMT+3)
On-site scoring by judges
10:45-11:00 (GMT+3)
Winner announcement and giving out awards
What to prepare in advance?
Business Plan
Please write down your Business Plan by filling out this form. Please also check the last page of this form for additional documents.
Pitch video
Please record a 6-min pitch video (both with your face, audio and PPT). You may use Zoom self-meeting to record the pitch. Read the instruction for more details.
Please add the contest's theme image as Slide One of your PPT. You may still update your PPT for this pitch video. Please remember to also share your updated PPT with the orgainzer..
Please upload the needed materials to the shared Google Drive folder dedicated to your team by Friday May 21st 2021.
1. Do I speak English or Chinese at the contest?
You can use both languages. There will be English-Chinese interpretation on the Suzhou site. However, if you can speak Chinese, it's suggested that you use Chinese.
If you don't understand Chinese, you can follow the simultaneous interpretation account on Zoom.
2. Do I need to attend the whole session?
You are suggested to stay in the whole session. If you cannot make, please make sure you will be at present during your pitch session, preferably also award session during the last half hour.
3. How to contact reach out to the organizer?
You can reach out to Zara Kukkamaa (in Finland) for more questions:
- Mobile: +358406542211
- Email: zara.kukkamaa@hohot.fi
- Wechat: ZaraLZ
- Whatsapp: same as mobile number